Although he rejected Marxist materialism, Lange continued to influence the German Social-Democratic movement.
Although Rokitansky defended the "materialistic method" in scientific research, he rejected materialism as a philosophical world view.
No heavy-link gold chains; SBNR rejects such overt materialism.
Metanoia describes the philosophy of an emerging social movement which rejects materialism and the driving force of greed.
Accordingly, critical theory rejected the dogmatic historicism and materialism of orthodox Marxism.
There seems to be some sort of rough cycle to this: one generation is unabashed about money, the next rejects straightforward materialism.
Creative people may reject materialism, but the amazing range of sources for this book indicates that art and commerce are far from divergent forces.
Here was a woman who had grown up amid tended lawns and new cars, yet she rejected materialism.
The sisters' eventual dependence on Babette presupposes another side of the pair: they no longer want to reject materialism but have no idea where to begin.