Phillips rejects "natural theology" and its evidentialist approach as confused, in favor of a grammatical approach which investigates the meaning of belief in God.
Adventists reject dispensationalist theology and the pretribulation rapture, believing that the church will remain on earth throughout the end-time crisis.
The use of exclusively male language also is a stumbling block for women who reject a society and theology based on patriarchy and female subordination.
Barth totally rejected natural theology.
This has harmed his reputation, though he continued to reject natural theology, and believed that there was a blood relationship between all living things.
He rejected theology as representing the 'impiety of the pious.'
His belief in God's mercy made him reject Calvinist theology as cruel and unreasonable.
In theology he was a supporter of Lutheran orthodoxy and starkly rejected liberal theology and rationalistic interpretaion of the Bible.
A few scholars regard Catholics who reject modern theology in favor of more traditional doctrines as fundamentalists.
She also rejects Jewish theology in general, and instead holds to a form of religious humanism.