Relating to domestic affairs, Frederick essentially continued the policy of his father.
Each year a new theme related to current affairs is provided, and competiors must use this as the basis for their entry.
During the weekly meetings they discuss issues relating to local current affairs or sometimes simply humankind in general.
It might have been related to domestic affairs, to his career, or to the changed situation in Constantinople.
It features a list of things related to current affairs.
The governor is responsible for all provincial matters related to economics, personnel, the environment, politics and foreign affairs.
The committee discusses important issues related to foreign affairs, trade policy and national safety with the government.
As was only to be expected, by far the most complex issues were those relating to institutional affairs.
This all relates to European affairs, but we also have the question of international human rights on the agenda.
Todd has also taken a leading role in issues related to national security and international affairs.