Drafts for six of his eleven novels are present, along with supporting correspondence and items relating to his career.
They relate to her career in the Labour Party, Manchester local politics, and adult education.
The tenth house relates to the native's career, goals, public reputation, attitude to authority, parental figure, bosses.
There is also material relating to her legal career between 1938 and 1993.
It might have been related to domestic affairs, to his career, or to the changed situation in Constantinople.
The surviving inscription ends at this point and there is no further information relating to Mucianus's career.
Proctor clarified that her decision was related to her career outside football, having secured a job in the leisure industry which required weekend working.
Articles and services related to Samuels's career have been featured on a number of interrelated websites.
Ben would then travel to Hollywood to interview a celebrity relating to Ben's chosen career.
The collected records relating to a soldier's career from enlistment to discharge often contain biographical information.