They provides resources related to policy, regulations, operations, and other aspects of transportation.
Internal changes may be related to the audience, membership, Board of Directors, personnel, facilities, growth, or financial operations.
The executives said they were still discussing regulatory issues related to their refining and retail operations.
Of that amount, $91.9 million was related not to day-to-day operations, but to charges from acquisitions and stock-based executive compensation.
The firm also provides consulting services related to software development, design, architecture, operations, and IT Transformation among others.
The contracts, relating to operations in the domestic sugar market, were valued at $4.68 million, according to the purchase agreement.
The company said it had indications that financial documents relating to hedging operations were forged.
Another pretax charge, of $22.2 million, involved the costs of environmental cleanups related to operations closed in 1986.
"His position here only relates to operations."
These criteria relate to the environment, workplace issues, product safety, community relations, weapons contracting, international operations, and human rights.