His major parliamentary contributions were related to sport and recreation and public works.
Most often, composition relates to narrative works of literature, but may also relate to essays, biographies, and other works.
In fact, a majority of book banning cases relate to works found in school libraries rather than in public ones.
The conference, which begins at 9 A.M., will focus on tax, contract and copyright laws as they relate to works of art.
The commentaries may be linguistic, spiritual, and even have the function of relating the text to similar works.
Palin campaigned against Stein's policies related to funding public works.
Lots of people profit from services relating to copyrighted works without paying the copyright holder.
There are a number of provisions in the Copyright Act which relate to collaborative works and compilations.
These rights related to farming, local government, health, education, and public works.
Some of the paintings relate to well-known major works.