The bill, which appropriates money for the Department of Transportation and other related agencies, has already passed in both houses.
It was based on interviews with employees of the agency and related agencies, including Family Court judges.
Worldwide, 53,589 people work for the United Nations and its related agencies.
Congress may act next week on the legislation that incorporates the compromise, the $11 billion appropriations bill for the Interior Department and related agencies.
In addition, S.& P. has also placed under review about $2.48 billion of related agency and lease obligations.
During those same years, however, the city government and related agencies added more than 30,000 new positions.
I said, "You haven't given our description to any related agencies and asked that we be let alone if encountered?"
Each issue contains a link to additional resources and information about the related federal agency.
The provision is included in the $9.7 billion appropriations bill for the Interior Department and related agencies.
He envisions a few centralized "campuses," each with related agencies, such as the courts or various health and human services offices.