Even though patients may pay more in routine treatment each year, long-term costs for complications and major related ailments will be significantly reduced, the researchers said.
Several of her close relatives suffer from related ailments.
Some believe it to have curing properties for the onset of fall/winter related ailments such as a cold or influenza.
Increased reports of acute malnutrition and related ailments among children are the first sign of the hardship that lies ahead.
Managing the symptoms of fibromyalgia or related ailments is not easy.
This "Rassa" is recommended for cough and throat related ailments.
Jackson would carry it inside his torso for the remainder of his life, and he chronically suffered many related ailments.
Three related ailments can be diagnosed for these failings.
In fact, nine of the patients who took part in the latest study sought doctors' help after learning about a related ailment known as obsessive-compulsive disorder.
In short, it has been proposed that aging, heart disease, cancer, and other age related ailments are means of phenoptosis.