It is the degree to which a construct behaves as it should within a system of related constructs called a nomological net.
Terminology such as reputation, branding, image and identity is often used interchangeably, or to distinguish differences between related constructs.
For example, intelligence and working memory are considered highly related constructs.
The American School, also known as the "National System", represents three different yet related constructs in politics, policy and philosophy.
Separate research examining the relationship of implicit and explicit self-esteem has determined that the two are separate, but weakly related constructs.
Three closely related psychological constructs are daydreaming, absorption and eidetic memory.
So far, there is little consensus as to the degree these concept operationalize the same or simply related constructs.
Although this is a new concept, many previous research had addressed similar or related constructs although never formally terms it.
In modern times, death and these related constructs have been glorified despite attempts to depict them without glory.
The authors then validated this measure in a nomological network of related constructs.