Under the agreement, Mr. McBirney, 38 years old, faces a maximum prison term of 15 years and $8.5 million in fines and related civil damages to be paid to the Treasury.
When firefighters arrive, they find no fire or any related damage, but discover Grissom's lifeless body.
Its practitioners, who treat those with hearing loss and proactively prevent related damage are audiologists.
Including the fire related damages, the total damages are estimated to amount to 4.5 billion US$.
Third, in the Cold War rush to modernize and to develop heavy industry, concern for damage to the environment and related damage to the health of Soviet citizens would have been viewed as detrimental to progress.
These standards were created to reduce agricultural impacts and other related damages.
Even though the percentage of homeowners in the city's historic district was high, many of them moved quickly to settle with insurance adjusters, only to have other structural or related damage show up later.
It provides for Government payments to farmers who have lost more than 35 percent of their crops because of drought, hail, excessive moisture or related damage, such as that caused by insects.
The Northrop Corporation, which last month pleaded guilty to criminal fraud charges, was sued today by the Justice Department for more than $5 million in related civil damages involving false test results on jet parts.
He faces a maximum prison term of 15 years and $8.5 million in fines and related civil damages.