A group of related lineages constituted a clan.
This argues for a joint source of related lineages deep-rooted in Lebanon.
Haplogroup I is a grouping of several quite distantly related lineages.
According to Simpson, evolutionary rates differ from group to group and even among closely related lineages.
Many species of Alnus exhibit a very narrow range of fungal symbionts, but these fungi are not from related lineages.
In any case, all these groups seem to represent a clade of closely related insect lineages, for which the names Mecopteroidea and Antliophora have been proposed.
Although properties such as DNA-sequences and morphology are used to help separate closely related lineages, this definition has fuzzy boundaries.
Several species formerly in Tarucus have recently been moved to Leptotes, another closely related lineage (though not quite as close as Castalius).
Modern phylogenetics uses sophisticated techniques such as alloenzymes, satellite DNA and other molecular markers to describe traits that are shared between distantly related lineages.
This may indicate that large iguanodontians and dicraeosaurids (especially Brachytrachelopan) were ecological analogs, resulting from parallel evolution in two distantly related dinosaurian lineages.