Cindrich also provides testimony as an expert witness in sports related litigation and can serve as a neutral third party mediator and/or arbitrator.
He has provided expert opinions and testimony in patent, product liability and related litigation.
The agreement is not expected to lead to any significant related civil litigation, lawyers said.
But whatever the decision, it's only the first round in this and related litigation.
The department did file a brief last year in the related civil litigation, supporting claims against Enron.
That and other related litigation lasted until 1982.
The building, meanwhile, was empty for more than 12 months in 1985 and 1986 while foreclosure proceedings and related litigation ensued. ultimately dropped its case and agreed to accept a judgment against it in a related litigation.
In that time, companies have increasingly outsourced protection of their intellectual property and related litigation to firms like CPA.
For over 20 years, legal nurse consultants have acted as collaborators and strategists, offering support in medically related litigation and other medical-legal matters.