John schools are usually a diversion program for people - almost exclusively men - arrested for soliciting the services of a prostitute, or another related offense.
Fall served time for related offenses; Sinclair was acquitted, although his lease of the reserve was canceled.
In 2009, the government arrested 18 suspects for trafficking- related offenses and opened investigations of seven trafficking cases, of which five are ongoing.
Mr. Rodriguez has been charged with attempted murder, attempted robbery and other related offenses.
The trial continued for three presidential aides charged with related offenses, but the prosecution of Ms. Wu, 54, was temporarily suspended.
After the season, his stock plummeted after running only a 4.74 on his 40 yard dash and being cited for yet another drug related offense.
Thomas Hose, her captor, eventually pled guilty to statutory rape and other related offenses.
He said he had never meant to offend anyone, and, for a related offense, so did Ronald Lauder.
This exemption from federal criminalization is as old as creation of federal law creating peyote related offenses.
Those conviction of selling cocaine with prior related offenses may serve up to 4 years in the state prison.