It is claimed that this passage was built at the same time as the priesthole, and for a related purpose.
This data can then be subjected to statistical analysis, serving two related purposes: description and inference.
In the last of the works listed above, Norton summarized his three books' related purposes.
A related purpose is to create "repose" and finality.
However, we only use these details to provide the service the person has requested and for other closely related purposes.
Unlike the 10-K filed annually, other forms serve related purposes, but have different schedules.
These concepts were taken over by Roman authors and by those who, in later times, used them for similar or related purposes.
Planetary Resources is seeking partnerships and opportunities to market their capabilities for other, related purposes; such as education and research.
When done properly, the strength and clarity is sufficiently restored for most safety related purposes.
In addition to covering planting costs, grants can be used for related purposes such as community involvement, site surveys and the provision of expert advice.