Suggestions can be results for the current query or related queries by words, time and dates, categories and tags.
However, the Consular section is available to deal with any assistance related queries (eg Emergency Travel Documents).
The Golem paused, so Dug typed in a related query.
Query clustering method tries to associate related queries by clustering "session data", which contain multiple queries and click-through information from a single user interaction.
It intents to provide candidates with a platform where they can seek answers to their career related queries, connect with the team and their peers appearing for various exams.
Systems that fall under this category identify similar users, queries and links clicked automatically, and recommend related queries and links to the searchers.
The main functions are to provide assistance and advice in all administration matters relating to leagues, cups, clubs, discipline, referees and answer any other general football related queries.
One related query for other posters:
Wonder Wheel provides the user with a flash based interface having the searched query in the middle and the related queries at its branches.
As the user clicks on the related query, the wonder wheel expands and the results at the right hand side of the page changes.