A closely related substance, which was given the name Sontochin, was also laid aside.
"I'm not certain that boxers are that sophisticated yet to use human growth hormone or related substances," he said.
The drug is not on the official list of banned substances, but it is considered a "related substance."
Martindale aims to cover drugs and related substances reported to be of clinical interest anywhere in the world.
By extension, any one of a group of related substances.
We test players on all teams each week of the season, conducting more than 8,000 tests a year for steroids and related substances.
As a result, they said, Purdue has decided to use a different but related substance called naltrexone in a new drug they hope to develop.
The testing could cover steroids and related substances.
The chemistry of Lawesson's reagent and related substances has been reviewed by several groups.
It was included implicitly under a general listing for "related" substances that are illegal for use.