In a related vein, on what principled basis would you distinguish between extending legal protection to homosexuals and not to people using illicit drugs?
In a related vein, Rhodes, who refused to be interviewed for head coaching positions after being fired by Green Bay, retained his reputation as a defensive genius.
In a related vein, transgender individuals and intersex people who want present as male would commonly bind.
Vert Ball - In a related vein of dodgeball, the teams must get the opposite team's members out.
In a related vein, Sen criticizes the solitarist approach to civilizations.
It has been reported from volcanic fumaroles and in association with carbonatite related veins.
In a related vein, the future of domestic producers also relies on their development of capabilities for supplying fashion products on a replenishment basis.
In a related vein Spanish classical or folk music has been an influence on jazz musicians both inside and outside of Spain.
In a related vein Ronald Reagan, although a Democrat at the time, attended Eureka College which is located in the county.
In a related vein, for Ian Parker, psychology normalizes conditions of social alienation.