The iron industry was a vital part of a strategy designed by a few Portland financiers who strove to control all related entrepreneurial ventures in the late 19th century.
That array of commercialized communications points up a problem with custom publishing and related ventures: the danger of oversaturating consumers with an Olympics-style plethora of pitches.
After leaving school, Cooke trained to be a carpenter and pursued a number of related ventures, including a successful double-glazing firm.
Marsh & McLennan is leading a new $663 million fund for big investors to put money into property insurance companies and related ventures.
These, along with other, related ventures, made the members of the Python team all variously rich - with the sole exception of Chapman.
But they did not seem to dent his ability to make money from his conglomerate comprising a popular Internet portal and about 40 related ventures.
Shari Ellin Redstone (born April 14, 1954) is a media executive with a background in numerous aspects of the entertainment industry and related ventures.
Simon has rapidly tried to become the largest mall operator in the country and to develop related ventures that capitalize on the retailers and shoppers.
Hungarian companies will have the right to take up to 30 percent in related joint ventures.
According to Forbes magazine, Mr. Grisham made an estimated $29 million in the last two years from books and related ventures.