Financial firms were among the first to adopt the kind of products on which Sybase made its name: very fast relational data base software.
This is because relational data tends to be represented in a named set of global, unnested relation variables.
Modern comparison shopping systems get most of their data from relational data feeds generated by retailers.
Besides the small systems analysis based on various relational data, Sociomapping can be used to visualize the profiles of unrelated subjects.
Its purpose is to relieve the developer from a significant portion of relational data persistence-related programming tasks.
A bootstrap page of functions can be used by developers to help retrieve relational and media data, but is entirely optional.
The connection to the emerging relational data model became evident.
These networks match rule conditions (patterns) to facts (relational data tuples).
High-level services, such as reporting services which work on entities rather than relational data.
The study of networks has emerged in diverse disciplines as a means of analyzing complex relational data.