It was a huge public relations gaffe, and evidence that the pressure to win five gold medals might have been growing too burdensome.
He could have been more aggressive, and he made a public relations gaffe by defending aspects of the leasing program.
Another modeling manager at a top-tier firm described the show as a public relations gaffe.
However, his candidacy was plagued by public relations gaffes.
Harrah's public relations gaffes have compounded the bad luck.
Newspapers trumpet each candidate's latest fund-raising triumph and public relations gaffe.
But he acknowledges that taking the world tour when he did was a public relations gaffe.
Certainly the market fetishists who dominated their culture would not give up on such an ideologically correct idea just because of a single public relations gaffe.
The public relations gaffe is only one example of how a modest-sized police department is struggling in the national spotlight.
But it must recover from the public relations gaffe.