The album is about experiences surrounding a relationship breakup, with each track corresponding to a month in the year after the break-up.
The band wanted to expand on the commercial success of the 1975 record Fleetwood Mac, but struggled with relationship breakups before recording started.
According to Amy, the song was inspired as a result of a long-distance relationship breakup.
The song is mostly about a relationship breakup and the desperate attempts to get the person back.
Breaking up may refer to a breakup, as in a relationship breakup.
For example, in "Over", the lyrics hovers around a confident persistence after a relationship breakup.
The track is arranged in the style of a chanson and its lyrics tell about a relationship breakup.
A relationship breakup, often referred to simply as a breakup, is the termination of an intimate relationship by any means other than death.
After their relationship breakup, he invited Rotaru.
Eventually, however, he found the songs speak to an experience (a relationship breakup) that is common, and that it would not seem self-indulgent to record them.