This symbiotic relationship enhances the bacterium's ability to survive in an aquatic environment, as the exoskeleton provides the bacterium with carbon and nitrogen.
Numerous studies with adults suggest that friendships and other supportive relationships do enhance self-esteem (Berndt, 2002).
Lynne Greene, global president of Clinique, said the company's new relationship with Weill Cornell should further enhance the brand's image.
Indeed, China is headed in the direction of political liberalization, and a healthy relationship with the West, particularly the United States, will only enhance this process.
In Dr. Neder's opinion, relationships should enhance your journey.
For many of us, the question, "Does this relationship enhance and support everyone involved?"
His close relationship with these congressmen and a handful of senators has, in turn, enhanced his power on the Hill.
If anything, her relationship to the Ambassador and Government enhanced her credibility.
The tumultuous relationship between Wilder and Chandler only enhanced the product of their collaboration.
Mr. Russo believes that Felix could have won the contest by himself, but that their relationship enhanced the learning experience.