First, the relationship that identity has with cultural goods and services, which values and meaning should not be treated as economic goods.
As originally formulated, it dealt with areas of the Old Testament where the relationships between individuals and the groups that they were part of were treated.
Non-monogamous relationships are treated as dangerous and damaging to women, particularly in popular culture.
The relationship of Oedipus and Jocasta is treated as an extended Freudian joke.
Prior to 2009, object-sexual relationships were treated as curiosities and sensationalized in the media.
The relationship between an inner class and its containing class can also be treated as another type of class association.
Deeper ideological issues as well as the relationship of the papacy to the rest of the Church will be treated later.
As evolutionary biology began to be expanded upon, this relationship became treated as one of common descent.
A relationship gets treated as a thing, and a relationship between people is expressed as a relationship between things.
Bolshevik leaders boast that "homosexual relationships and heterosexual relationships are treated exactly the same by the law."