The relationship between structure and process represents the climate of the situation.
A relationship in an entity model normally represents an association between two entities.
Abstinence or a monogamous relationship represent the best protection against infection, he said.
This relationship represented by the signal-flow graph of Figure 1.
The relationship of the two institutions, according to Dr. Schorsch, represents a model in pluralism.
Unlike Fig.2, the stress-strain relationship in Fig.1 represents the behavior of annealed steel sheet.
The relationship between prices and portions here actually represents a good value, which is also not something I encounter at every turn.
You can't copy the personalization that a relationship represents.
The court ruled unanimously that although she had not committed any crimes, her relationship with the Communists represented a "bad tendency" and thus was unprotected.
A triadic relationship between two people and the government represents an entirely new kind of constitutional order.