Some scupltors were relative beginners: Franzi Vogel had been working in clay for six months.
Before 1840 Staunton was still a relative beginner, and after 1851 his health was too fragile for serious competition.
I knew this woman was a relative beginner at the dojo, and I counted on her weapon fixation.
Ms. McDonough was a relative beginner when she got the part of Samantha.
The horseback expeditions were well organized and available to riders at all levels, including relative beginners like us.
But then you are still a relative beginner.
Even relative beginners - which includes most people - can be highly sophisticated in their thinking about their E-mail.
The man who had once taught Berg and Webern, now had classes of relative beginners.
Generally, the museum's approach is to show a wide range of artists, native and foreign born, some of whom are seasoned, others relative beginners.
But McElroy wonders "how Sullivan came to discover and set this libretto, by a relative beginner, so quickly?"