Resistance grew to the idea of homogenization, and there was concern about the relative dominance of the different cultures.
The relative dominance of the Democratic party through the 1930s through the 1960s coincided with a precipitous drop in the membership and effectiveness of the College Republicans.
- To at weight the relative dominance and subordination of different elements in the picture, which the reading imposes on the reader.
During the period of 1900 to 1930, four-stroke diesel engines enjoyed a relative dominance in practical diesel applications.
The interaction of the couple may send out a message of relative dominance and power, and may stereotype the roles of one or both partners.
His doctoral dissertation was entitled: A psychological investigation of the relative dominance of linguistic cues in decoding and surface structure of English sentences.
The most striking character of the rare Nabugabo plants is the relative dominance of carnivorous plants.
These presentings and mountings, although sexual expressions, are not overt sexual acts but rather reflect the relative dominance and submission of the two.
About this time, the PRR faced a threat to its relative dominance in Lancaster County.
From this perspective, the motive to evaluate oneself positively in evolutionary terms is to enhance one's relative dominance (Leary, 1999).