For the full benefit of the scheme the relative index and the tables that form part of every edition must be understood and consulted when required.
With respect to one another, their relative refractive indices are, in order of distance from the core: lowest, highest, lower, higher.
Because of this orientation of the beam the relative refractive index of the particle and the mounting liquid becomes apparent.
The relative refractive index is defined as the ratio of the two refractive indices.
The Becke line test is a technique in optical mineralogy that helps determine the relative refractive index of two materials.
There are two types of indexes to be found in classification schemes: a relative index and a specific index.
The relative index is the more common.
A relative index as originally proposed by Melville Dewey, contains at least one entry for each subject in the scheme.
An important feature of the scheme in its creator's eyes was the relative index.
What we are looking at is a relative index.