In the cold fusion, the most important thing is the proper relative positioning of the atoms.
The upgrade hasn't changed the relative positioning of the two products at all, merely expanded the range of documents for which users might consider PageMaker suitable.
The content of each column is positioned over its background using floats and relative positioning.
The importing program can then freely determine the relative positioning.
The relative positioning of the two main interactors and the direction of lighting are significant.
The function of the prepositional phrase/particle in such clauses is to show the relationship between the action (walked, opened, looked) and the relative positioning, action or state of the subject.
Icons dragged "in formation" from one icon-view window to another (or to the desktop) now properly retain their relative positioning.
Using the generic dotted circle character also shows the relative positioning of the diacritic.
Normal flow also includes relative positioning of block or inline items, and run-in boxes.
The GPS team is responsible for the GPS receivers, antennas and algorithms used to calculate sub-centimeter relative positioning.