Within the first 24 hours, the birds can even remember the relative quality of the stored items.
His character seems to know that in war, as in other arenas, good and bad are relative qualities.
Despite its poor relative quality, the student microscope has an important place in the history of microscopy.
One way to judge the relative quality of a horror movie is by examining its vision of hell.
In part, too, they resulted from the relative quality and rapid accessibility of medical attention.
The relative quality of resort restaurants, he said, will become increasingly important in the competition for customers.
Finally, the relative quality of the x86 architecture has been discussed.
Nothing in those six years diminished schools' true relative quality.
Color, sound, temperature and even shape are relative qualities entirely dependent on a mind.
The third digit is the relative quality within a series; for example, a 5850 is less powerful than a 5870.