The album was recorded in relative secrecy compared to the press of that of its predecessor.
Many wealthy plantation owners built chapels on their land so they could practice their Catholicism in relative secrecy.
The complexity of the interlocking deals, negotiated by the governor's lawyers in relative secrecy, has bewildered elected officials and the public.
While rejuvenation therapies could be done in relative secrecy, having one's body preserved cryonically was difficult to hide.
But the complexity of the interlocking deals, negotiated in relative secrecy, is bewildering, some elected officials say.
While under suspension, the club has been known to meet in relative secrecy.
The location also had the advantage of being safely remote, so that the delicate negotiations could be conducted in relative secrecy.
Emobi Games started the project in October 2008 amidst relative secrecy.
However, compared to other enrichment methods, it is much cheaper and more energy-efficient, and can be used in relative secrecy.
It would be perverse for Britain to go from a position of transparency to one of relative secrecy.