LocoScript allowed the user to edit one document while printing another, so that the relative slowness of the bundled dot matrix printer seldom caused difficulties.
The highly aggressive imagery of the video contrasts with the relative slowness and restraint of the song.
Given the brain's relative slowness, a man can scrutinize no more than an infinitesimal fraction of the moves available at any juncture.
The program allowed the user to work on one document while printing another, so that the relative slowness of the basic printer seldom caused difficulties.
For once he was grateful for the relative slowness of submarines.
Their relative slowness to act in their first two years in office was partly due to the continuing revenue problem.
Motorola at one point included DCAS in the instruction set for its 68k series; however its relative slowness led to programmer apathy.
Study groups that didn't meet, trolls on message boards, and the relative slowness of online vs. personal conversations lowered his rating on student-to-student interaction.
All three of the other approaches rely on existing in-home wiring to bypass WiFi's relative slowness and Ethernet's expense in installation.
The relative slowness with which a para attack could be launched would give the Germans adequate time to blow the bridges themselves.