A price histogram is useful in showing at what price a market has spent more relative time.
The identified plant community of the area at the relative time from that sediment layer, will provide information about the climatic condition.
The relative times, which vary by fractions of a second, can indicate direction to within one degree.
He is also able to form exceedingly complicated structures within relative short time like, for example, miniature cities.
If the attenuation term is complex it also describes the relative time a signal takes to get through the channel.
The relative time of pure lands may be different.
They said the relative good times had allowed them to turn their attention to matters like education, health care and building roads.
This imparts a sense of relative time to the tree.
Twenty-four hours of relative time had not passed since the fleet left the home universe.
And you embarked with the rest of the human race roughly two weeks ago - relative time, that is.