It would impress upon the humans their relative unimportance in the scheme of things.
Given the relative unimportance of buyer financing to our business, we simply want to eliminate any perceptions of this type.
Paradoxically, the relative unimportance of money in Soviet society compounds these difficulties.
What's even more interesting is her struggle with her subject's relative unimportance.
For most Disabled people, individual medical conditions, regardless of whether they are physical, sensory, learning or emotional, are of relative unimportance.
It is understandable why the Fleet itself may have abandoned this chase in the mean-time-reasonable decision in view of its relative unimportance.
I will pay attention to these things, but one aspect of the specificity of the locales I am dealing with is their relative unimportance.
What distinguishes New York is the relative unimportance of sports here.
The dark, delicate old woman wore a sari, and she spent a moment adjusting it, as if to impress the admiral with his relative unimportance.
More important, he will have learned the relative unimportance of such pastimes.