Despite the strong rise, trading volume stood at a relatively anemic 160.2 million shares, down from 199 million on Friday.
The strong showing followed relatively anemic sales earlier in the month.
Though minorities made strong gains, the increase in income across the board was relatively anemic, especially considering the healthy state of the economy.
This makes the process much faster than uploading each and every track, especially given the relatively anemic upload speeds available to most US broadband users.
Even with Bravo it arguably has a relatively anemic cable portfolio.
In the past, these games have been far beyond the relatively anemic computing power of such devices, requiring the horsepower of a PC or a console.
Equity issues dropped in 1989 to $30.8 billion, down 17 percent from the relatively anemic $37.2 billion of the previous year, IDD said.
"The weak income growth, high consumer debt levels and a lack of pent-up demand will make economic activity relatively anemic."
After relatively anemic trading on Monday, stocks moved briskly, with more than one billion shares changing hands on Tuesday - a high total, but not unheard of here.
The strong showing - an estimated 376,683 vehicles were sold between Jan. 21 and Jan. 31 - followed relatively anemic sales earlier in the month.