Despite the relatively balmy 4 degrees, and relatively moderate 37.2 miles-an-hour wind, it felt very cold.
In New York City it was a relatively balmy; 10 above early yesterday morning and over 20 early last night.
But she was not upset that as of today, there was no snow falling and temperatures were in the relatively balmy 30's.
The problem, he learned, is that molded ice cream rolls off the assembly line at a relatively balmy 22 degrees Fahrenheit.
Yesterday the temperature rose to a relatively balmy 20 below, he said.
Last week, when temperatures were a relatively balmy 20 degrees (and there was no wind), I bundled up to explore three winter gardens.
With few exceptions, this year's waterfowling had taken place during relatively balmy weather.
The horses were running at Aqueduct on a relatively balmy afternoon with the temperature making a rare move past 40 degrees.
In general, temperatures have been about 10 degrees below normal levels this winter, far colder than last year's relatively balmy winter.
Five days short of winter, the afternoon temperatures climbed into the relatively balmy 50s, and the scarves and gloves came off.