They must have known that the treatment in the hospital was relatively humane, and they could not have wanted to reward my obstinacy with this.
However, Hugo Krack retained his managerial position and civilian administration remained responsible for ensuring relatively humane conditions.
He co-sponsored a relatively humane immigration bill; now he disowns it.
Before reaching a new agreement with Havana about returning such detainees, Washington followed a relatively humane procedure and gave many of them their freedom.
By contrast, Nelson is a relatively humane but sort of sodden guy.
She sent for Ruddy's mother, who gave him a blissful nine-month vacation and dispatched him to a relatively humane boarding school.
Gaines was charged with spending too much money on moving the Choctaw, although in comparison he accomplished the task in a relatively humane fashion.
While hanging was a relatively humane method of execution under ideal conditions with an expert executioner, mistakes could happen.
The contradiction between relatively humane daily treatment and the constant threat of summary execution forms a central theme of the book.
Desertion was an elaborate game played by relatively humane rules, but its results were of the utmost consequence for the country.