The new heads of the air force and navy have also served recently in Patagonia and are relatively junior and inexperienced officers.
Relatively junior Majors didn't get staff assignments these days - those were for screenpushers or incompetents.
As to the powers of your Key, I was only a cataloguer of stars, and a relatively junior one at that.
At forty-two, he was the oldest member of Giscard's staff, despite his relatively junior rank.
Mr. Pinkerton was a relatively junior White House domestic policy aide who now works for the campaign.
Government was a relatively junior and often passive partner in the dialogue with purists and feminists.
Despite his grand title of Emissary to the Outlands, he was only an administrator and a relatively junior one at that.
Of course, there were drawbacks to his relatively junior rank.
Relatively junior majors didn't get staff assignments these days-those were for screenpushers or incompetents.
He also lacked a patron in the AIF and was handicapped by his relatively junior rank.