Though Pelet was a relatively low-ranking officer, the marshal relied heavily on his advice during the unsuccessful 1810-1811 invasion of Portugal.
Some Pentagon officials took issue Monday with the idea that the relatively low-ranking group composed largely of colonels would be drafting options for switching course in Iraq.
Since British Rail days, such an honour has usually been reserved for the retirement of long-serving staff, including some relatively low-ranking staff.
Colonel North, a relatively low-ranking staff member of the National Security Council, started organizing a private network to raise money to make up the difference.
How could important foreign-policy initiatives be taken by relatively low-ranking officials without the approval of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense?
He was born on May 24, 1911, in the Prome District north of the capital, the son of a relatively low-ranking government official.
Econowives are women who have married relatively low-ranking men, meaning any man who does not belong to the ruling elite.
He was relatively low-ranking in the Gestapo but had great power to seek out and dispose of those believed to be enemies of the Third Reich in France.
So far, however, all those punished have been relatively low-ranking officials.
Montazeri was demoted as a marja and Khomeini chose a new successor, a relatively low-ranking member of the clergy, Ali Khamene'i.