What had been a relatively orderly scene quickly degenerated to howling confusion.
He didn't want to send anyone, in fact, until he knew that Brysta would remain relatively orderly.
Often, in relatively orderly and prosperous societies such as ours, feelings of doom don't last.
The election was relatively orderly and peaceful in most of the country, according to reports by observers.
Meanwhile he made Wallie's world sane and relatively orderly, not the mad chaos it could so easily have become without him.
Within the stock market yesterday, the fall was relatively orderly, in sharp contrast to the 1987 plunge.
Though, it should be noted that China's urbanization so far has been a relatively orderly process.
Across the city, educators, parents, union officials and students themselves reported a calm and relatively orderly day.
It was a relatively orderly transfer of power, but also an awkward one.
What perhaps helped to keep things relatively orderly and even solemn was the custom of offering prayers at the beginning of the meeting.