More than a month into the shoot, despite the breakneck pace and permanent uncertainty, the atmosphere on set was relatively serene.
The park is low-key, but clean and relatively serene: just quiet trees, shrubs, a few paved paths and benches.
The program opened on a relatively serene note with two dance solos by Dennis O'Connor.
The brief fourth movement is a return to the tonality of the second, relatively serene after the frenetic third movement.
Relatively serene for a storm on a gas giant.
Most stood silently, though a few had buddies to converse with, and so the scene was relatively serene.
This time, his progress has been relatively serene.
Still, I imagine the difficulty in getting to Lincoln, which she describes, will keep it relatively serene.
Breakfast finds the power brokers table hopping and talking on the mobile phones, but even then the hotel manages to remain relatively serene.
Schroeder has weathered occasional storms throughout his professional career, but this season was relatively serene.