This is the results of inclined siltstones, and wave action being higher along the west coast while the east is relatively sheltered.
The little square was relatively sheltered, and in the hall the gale was no more than a distant, muffled roar.
Relatively sheltered habitat due to its inaccessible location along the edges of the plateau.
Its relatively sheltered location makes it the second-best choice after Homewood when it's snowing.
It was reckoned that, when the snow came, it would pour over the top of the rock and anything at the bottom would be relatively sheltered.
That is Ms. Satrapi's hope: to reach the relatively sheltered young Iranians born too late to remember the hardest days.
But imagine a relatively sheltered 14-year-old, grabbed out of her room and subjected to extreme psychological coercion.
Even in the relatively sheltered Hunza Valley, people talked about the ceaseless conflict with India as if it was destiny.
The loss of life had been devastating even in the relatively sheltered English Channel.
The newborn sharks spend their first months in relatively sheltered reef nurseries on the outer continental shelf, growing substantially before moving into the open ocean.