Meanwhile, Union Army forces attacked from the landward side, storming the fort's relatively undefended rear.
It will be necessary for me to leave the town relatively undefended, in order to locate and destroy the enemy's home base.
That attack had been against relatively undefended targets and in the confusion of night.
They had expected to quickly overwhelm the ambushed force as well as any relief force, thereby leaving the base relatively undefended.
This left Kamakura relatively undefended.
Despite the economic investments the German Empire had made in Togoland, on the eve of war, it was remained relatively undefended.
By April 1915, British forces were concentrated mainly in southern and central Kamerun, leaving much of the Nigerian border with the German colony relatively undefended.
They were expecting to find northern England relatively undefended because Edward III was by then conducting a major campaign in France.
Alternatively, skeletonised animals could have fed directly on the relatively undefended Ediacaran biota.
But it is a mere feint, allowing Francisco de Almeida himself to sail around and land the bulk of his assault force in a relatively undefended part of island-city.