He was relatively unimpressive in his first defense in May, needing a 12-round decision to beat American Tony Tucker in Las Vegas.
The implication was that Shackleton's breakdown had caused the relatively unimpressive southern record.
The settlement was relatively unimpressive and consisted, until the 18th century, of only four farms.
The relatively unimpressive graphics were attributed to the fact that the game started development for the Sega Chihiro Arcade hardware.
Commissioned by a sultan of a short and relatively unimpressive profile, al-Maqrizi noted that within the mosque were several "wonders of construction".
They say such coverage would be more valuable to a large class of plaintiffs than a settlement in dollars that would have to be divided into small, relatively unimpressive amounts.
The relatively unimpressive image of these plants, as well as their small, low growth, makes them difficult to protect.
Shields' rookie season with Tampa Bay was relatively unimpressive.
However, 22 other manufacturers also issued proposals to meet the Army's request; the McDonnell proposal had relatively unimpressive anticipated performance, and its odd drivetrain was unproven.
I have enjoyed Xilitla, but found Tamuin relatively unimpressive, compared to other.