Biofeedback and relaxation training can give you relief that is similar to the help you get from medications.
Stress management and coping techniques, along with relaxation training, can help prevent or reduce the severity of the migraine attacks.
But with a few minutes of relaxation training by a biofeedback practitioner, she found that she could raise it.
After spending another couple of hours doing play therapy, supportive counseling, and relaxation training, I checked in Linda's office.
Deep breathing and relaxation training improve oxygen flow to your muscles.
They don't understand that relaxation training could actually slow treatment instead of speed it up.
Ms. Fehlings believes that relaxation training for her sport helps when she takes tests.
Other non-drug methods used at such centers include physical therapy, biofeedback, massage, and relaxation training.
If you're still having sleep problems, several therapies can help, including biofeedback, relaxation training, stress reduction, and cognitive therapy.
If that sounds like you, it could be time to sign up for relaxation training.