Davidson was first, his scratchy voice relayed directly over the bridge coms.
Volunteer spotters would come into the local office and run a radio net from within, directly relaying information to meteorologists.
Less than half an hour later, La Russa's comment was relayed directly to Henderson.
He didn't know yet that his words were being relayed directly to Jefferson's CATCC.
The patented control system works by directional data being relayed from a master control computer directly to the vehicles which are fashioned to resemble honey pots.
The raw data collected by the spectrometer and other instruments will be relayed directly to Earth, where computers will analyze the results, Dr. Galeyev said.
He has a series of telecom numbers in various sectors that relay through a subcom link directly to him, wherever he is.
From planet to planet the thin signal cut, relayed directly to the office at Batavia.
Cellphone signals will be picked up by that cell, and then, depending on the system, relayed either first to a satellite or directly to the ground.
The transmissions were relayed out of the lander either directly to Wendy or to one of the commsats.