In the letters released today, the Pope mentioned no country by name.
In a letter released last week, they recommended reducing it to 10-to-1.
But the letter, released in a ceremony with top Clinton administration officials, was at least as notable for what it left out.
While still on the visit, the Cardinal released a letter supporting the move.
In a letter released yesterday, the schools' trustees said the decision to settle was a difficult one.
The group of 27 legal academics expressed their concerns in an open letter released on 28 September 2010.
So did 47 governors in a letter released in late March.
The letter released yesterday appeared to grant the American hierarchy some but not all the help that it had requested.
Layton's family released an open letter, written by Layton two days before his death.
On Aug. 6, the three released a letter they had written calling for an immediate cease-fire.