The play ends in Central Park with the mourners releasing white balloons as a symbol of letting go.
The revolutionaries celebrated by firing cap guns and releasing red balloons.
What does it mean to sing "somewhere over the rainbow" and release balloons?
People across the world released green balloons in what would be called "Balloon Day" in support of the protesters.
Several days earlier in Boston, they released balloons with a banner hanging from them saying 'Go Sox.'
On opening day a celebrity launched the festival by releasing balloons and stayed to sign autographs.
As the hearse passed the thousands of people who were viewing the procession, many clapped and cheered loudly and released white balloons.
In Baniyas, about 300 children released balloons with slogans calling on Assad to leave power.
"She picked them out," said Lindsey, who often talks to her mother at night and twice a year releases balloons with a message for her.
At the time of the accident, two people were standing on grating that forms a sub-ceiling in the Great Hall, waiting to release balloons.