To release electrons into the tube, they first must be detached from the atoms of the cathode.
Foodstuffs enter the mitochondria and are broken down through a series of oxygen-dependent steps that release electrons.
When hot, the filament releases electrons into the vacuum, a process called thermionic emission.
The second was that the phosphor, like many materials, also released new electrons when struck by an electron beam, a process known as secondary emission.
This causes a chemical reaction that releases electrons, allowing them to flow through conductors to produce electricity.
When light strikes the silicon, it releases electrons that move through the material.
Once in an extremely long time, two of the neutrons in such a nucleus would decay simultaneously, both releasing electrons and neutrinos.
He observed the photoelectric effect in which ultraviolet light forces a surface to release electrons when the light hits.
In a working battery, the chemical conversion of metallic lead to a lead salt releases electrons.
An anode is a piece of metal that will readily release electrons under the right circumstances.