This release featured seven tracks and a total playing time of 12:19.
Each release featured a different cover, although the contents are the same.
This was their first and only release featuring no bass player.
The second release, featuring a new cover, was released October 9, 1992.
The original release, running for one hour, only featured the live footage.
The special release featured album art drawn by Dead himself.
The release featured two tracks, both of which came from the Red album as well.
A limited release of the record featured clear blue vinyl.
Each release features the music of a single artist.
The two releases featured different cover art and track listing.
I just don't understand the concept of releasing experimental features in a full release while expecting people to NOT depend on the current implementation.
Multiple iterations might be required to release a product or new features.
It is often used by developers when they continue to release new features that might not be fully tested.
Adobe had planned to release other features to support various business models, such as the ability to rent videos.
Successive updates to iOS since the initial release in 2007 have released additional features.
Starting in mid-2009, they began releasing new features gradually to help measure customer interest, a Lean Startup technique.
Put simply, they would rather release a solid product than try to push something out with one or two new features that are buggy.
DeviantArt has been revising the site in versions, releasing multiple features at once.
Willingness to release new features before they're 100% fixed has been a common occurrence in free downloadable software since the 1990s.
But the studio will continue to release significant live-action features, and films by Miramax, a wholly owned subsidiary.