To celebrate this, they released new images for the game.
During 2012 Sauber released a video and images of an F1.08 that had been sliced in half.
To build interest, the magazine would do a tease, releasing images of the woman's body parts in the issues preceding the November issue.
They've just released images from the store's security cameras.
In the following days, North Korea released images of the purported rocket launch.
ESO also releases images of observed objects to the public.
Detectives have released images of the bike and of a man at the video store close to the first bomb's location.
She felt lately that they held on to sounds too long and her eyes too seemed slow to release images.
Evidence of recording came to light as the band released images of their work in the studio in early 2011.
They also released images, videos, and concept art during the project's development.